Saturday 22 June 2013

Four Reasons Chris Freville Thinks You Should Pursue a Higher National Diploma Qualification

In 1989, Chris Freville earned a Higher National Diploma Qualification with Distinction in Information Technology. Earning the degree with distinction means that Chris Freville passed the exam with more than 70%. The High National Diploma is a qualification that is earned by some students in Britain, as well as in countries that have British ties, like Malta and Nigeria. The Higher National Diploma is a vocational degree equal to two years of a three-year university degree and Chris Freville considers it to be a strong asset for anyone considering higher education in Britain.

One reason to consider a Higher National Diploma Qualification is that the qualification can be considered a safety net, explains Chris Freville. The qualification is a widely recognized achievement and can be used to attain a number of jobs, but it can also be a stepping-stone to higher education and a university degree. It can be used to enter the university, but it is also a stand-alone qualification that you have, even if you are not successful or do not desire to pursue a university degree.

The fact that the Higher National Diploma is a vocational degree is another reason why Chris Freville recommends it. Earning this qualification means actually practicing the skills you will use in your professional field. Having a tangible skill set can be the greatest determinant of employment. In fact, the coursework leading up to the diploma cover what are considered Key Skills – the tools that you will use to actually be hired in your field, explains Chris Freville.

Finally, Chris Freville recommends the Higher National Diploma even to those who know they want to attain a university degree. This is because the program is run in part through the university, without actually being of the university. By the time you formally enroll, then, you will be highly familiar with the resources of the university that can help you to succeed.

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